Customer Testimonials

With over 10 years experience and 8,500 plus customers Coyote Point Systems has gained a reputation of providing Scalability, Manageability and High Availability for Network Applications –


Don’t take our word for it – check out what some of their current users have to say:

Equalizer gives us incredible amounts of control now that we can fine-tune the load on each of our servers; we’ve been able to increase performance dramatically.  In addition, Equalizer’s monitoring and reporting facilities have allowed us to identify and correct a number of bottlenecks that we didn’t know existed

- Alan Jay, Business Development and Marketing Director

Click here to see the complete customer profile

USA Today

“Equalizer and Envoy have allowed us to support the infrastructure of a growing and changing organization, flexibility and easily”

-Leonard Butler, Sr. Infrastructure Systems Analyst

Click here to see the complete USA Today customer profile

 Bryman Healthcare

Instead of buying four more servers, we used our budget to buy two load balancers, which basically performed our server consolidation for us.”

-Anthony Acquanta, Sr. Systems Administrator

Click here to see complete Bryman Healthcare customer profile

U.S. Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration

“Equalizer fulfills all our ITM needs, providing effective failover & efficient traffic routing at a fraction of the cost of competing products”

-Richard Inzunza, Computer Specialist

Click here so see complete U.S. Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration customer profile

“I think it’s terrific that Coyote Point has incorporated this essential function into a product that was already cost-effective, trouble-free network management tool, these days, when no company is ashamed to demand top value for its dollar, Coyote Point should be on any network administrator’s radar

- Bob Farrell, Network Manager

Click here to see complete customer profile

The Federal Council of Germany

“Equalizer was very easy to install, and it has worked flawlessly since installation, significantly improving site performance.”

-Guido Zimmermann, Network Administrator

Click here to see the complete Federal council of Germany Customer Profile

Allied Home Mortgage

“Before implementing Equalizer, we noticed that some of our servers were running dangerously close to capacity, while others remained practically unused; we could potentially lose tens of thousands of dollars a day, per user, if a server ever went down.  Rather than continuing to add new, expensive servers, we decided to maximize the resources we already had, and invested in Coyote Point’s Equalizer to distribute the workload between all 12 servers.  The solution worked perfectly.”

-Scott Miller, Allied’s IT manager

Click here to see complete Allied Home Mortgage customer profile